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Car Rental & Rent a Car Deals in Lice

Here you can compare prices on rental cars in the town Lice, province Diyarbakır, Turkey. Find and book a rental car the easy way. When you rent a car from us, there are no surprises when you pick up the car on your arrival. All our prices include free mileage, airport fees, road assistance and obligatory insurances, taxes and fees. can help you find a cheap car rental and car hire.

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Rent a Car Cheap in Lice - Compare car rental prices before you book!

Comparison of rental car prices and car rental from several businesses in the town Lice in Turkey. Find the best prices for rental cars. It always pays off to compare before you book, in some smaller communities local companies can have very competitive prices.

Easy and safe online booking for rental cars. Search for a city, airport etc. and choose a pick up location. The search will look for all types of models. Rental cars are available at Lice’s travel centre, train stations and airports like Cewlik Bingöl Airport 45 km (28 mi), Batman Airport 72 km (45 mi), Diyarbakır Airport 73 km (46 mi) and Muş Sultan Alparslan Airport 94 km (59 mi). Car rental where every cost is included, no hidden fees and free cancellations/amendments up to 24-48 hours before you pick up the car.

Facts about Lice

Lice (Lijje) is a town in the municipality Diyarbakır, Diyarbakır province, Turkey. It is the central city in the area. 7th largest city/town when it comes to inhabitants in the region and the 376th largest town/district in Turkey. Bingöl (c. 80,600 pop), Bismil (c. 74,500 pop), Silvan (c. 66,000 pop), Kulp (c. 26,600 pop) and Genç (c. 22,500 pop) are other larger communities, cities nearby. The population of the town is about 16,300 in 2018. The city is located about 979 meters (3,212 ft) above sea level. Small villages, communities and suburbs nearby are Dicle, Hani, Kocaköy, Hazro, Arıcak, Eğil, Altınkum, Lice, Yeşilburç, Kumlucak and Hamzabey. Regardless of how long you are staying the town there are things to experience and do. Learn more about which companies are located in the country.

Nearby destinations, Lice

Compare car hire and cheap van rental in airports nearby: Rent a Car Cheap Bingöl Airport, Cheap car rental Batman Airport, Car Hire Diyarbakır Airport and Muş Airport. Comparison of rental car prices and car hire from several businesses in Lice. Search for car rental and cheap car hire in nearby cities: Car Hire Kulp, Cheapest Car Rental Genç, Cheap Car Hire Silvan, Bingöl and Solhan. Rent a car in cities in the region: Cheap rental cars Diyarbakır, Cheap Van Rental Bismil, Cheapest Car Hire Silvan, Ergani and Kulp.

Car rental companies in Lice, Turkey

We compare these companies in this city or in the region, Avis, Hertz, Europcar, Budget, Sixt and Thrifty. You can usually find the largest selection at airports such as Bingöl Airport, Batman Airport, Diyarbakır Airport and Muş Airport. The large companies usually have offices adjacent to the airport.

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